“Only trust someone who can see these three things in you;
The sorrow behind your smile,
The love behind your anger,
And the reason behind your silence”
Tiptoes CTS have decided to include some of the testimonials they have received from a range of their services. All the testimonials are available for verification.
“I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude for the job you are doing with my son and the whole family. From the bottom of my heart I would like to say a big thank you for all of your help”
– Parent of child
“Thank you so much for your warmth encouragement and support over the last 18 months”
– Parent
“I’m feeling so much, I’m sad that we are saying goodbye and at the same time I am happy we are saying goodbye”
– Child
“Thank you for your time and honesty this morning – there’s a strong possibility that I’ll be in contact in the near future.”
– LSCB training manager
“It’s fantastic that you have set up this much needed service! So many children and families we see will benefit from this.”
– Crisis Worker at Children’s SARC
“I just want to thank you for all the great negotiation you have done with getting others on board. The way forward in all places where there are different opinions is to be able to discuss and come to some form of agreement. We have never been so far forward in meetings than we are now, so well done and thank you so much.”
– Consultation to an IFA
( Consultation)
“Following the attendance on one of your courses last week i have been looking into other forms of training within the play therapy area.
– Clinical Nurse Specialist CAMHS
I enjoyed the course and hopefully be able to attend more thankyou”
“I am writing to congratulate you on your very successful presentation at the National centre.
– Personnel Officer of National Children’s Charity
At least a dozen people have been to see me to say how interesting and informative your presentation was and how important this work is to protect children and the high standard of the work you provide.
I’m really pleased that the presentation was so well received.”
“Thank you so much for conducting our ‘Dealing with disclosure’ training. the feedback from the team was excellent and as you might expect many have had cause to use their new skills already. what they found most useful was the introduction of very clear guidelines in terms of roles, responsibilities and procedures. They all feel far more confident when dealing with situations presented to them by both staff and children and are now able to put their role in true perspective within the safeguarding system.”
– Area Children’s Services Manager, National Children’s Charity
“I really enjoyed the whole workshop – thorough, interesting, good level of academic work/practical work”
“absolutely brilliant”
“varied, challenging, engaging”
– Attendees
“I personally have found the workshop insightful, embracing and getting in touch with my inner child and seeing the power of working in this way with clients, i feel the inner child is the key to many struggles”
“Attendee of training”
“The workshop was fun and engaging. I have learnt so much, the training was a first for me and it was such a positive learning experience”
“Attendee from workshop held”
“The workshop was very engaging“
“Attendee from workshop held”
” A huge thank you for an awesome weekend of training/workshops – All incredible!”
“Attendee from training and workshop held”